Use standard internal PC soundcard, or external pro audio card. HARMONY : FIXED SCALE or AUTO – add harmonized second voice to the melody line.Advanced Arranger features – Unlimited variations number – AUTO FILL IN – SYNC START – SYNC STOP – TAP TEMP – TEMPO LOCK – OCTAVE – TRANSPOSE – MANUAL BASS – BASS TO LOWEST – SECOND VOICE – RESTART – HOLD – HOLD LEFT – FADE IN – FADE OUT – SPLIT POINT.Flexible routing saved per song : Every track can be routed to up to 3 midi outputs, including the internal synthesizer, the SoundFont/SFZ samples, the 16 VSTi rack, external midi software with virtual midi cable….Tracks displays the correct instrument of your MIDI synthesizer INS – Instrument definition files support : for easy instruments selection of any sound module.KETRON SD1000 in depth DSP multi-effects integration.Many modes provided to adapt to your sound synthesizer : GM / GM2 / GS / XG / KETRON SD2 / KETRON SD4 / KETRON SD1000 / YAMAHA MOTIF XS / ROLAND FANTOM XR.LED FEEDBACK for KORG NANOKONTROL2, NOVATION SLMKII, NOVATION LAUNCHKEY, LAUNCHKEY MKII, NOVATION LAUNCHPAD, NOVATION LAUNCHCONTROL, AKAI APC20, AKAI APC40, AKAI APC MINI, ARTURIA BEATSTEP, BEHRINGER CMD-LC1, BEHRINGER CMD-DV1, ICON ISTAGE….FULL remote control : Assign any vArranger function to any MIDI note, button, fader, knob / PC Key / PC Game Joystick….MIDI ORGAN optimized (3 parts : Upper Manual/Lower Manual/Bass Pedals).MIDI ACCORDION optimized (3 parts : Right/Left/Bass).Up to 3 midi inputs playing music simultaneously.

Intelligent FINGERED mode or SINGLE FINGER mode.An Auto-accompaniment is generated in real-time, based on chords played.Real-time chords recognition played on a midi keyboard or a midi guitar.