
12 major scales piano pdf
12 major scales piano pdf

A major blues scale- practice this over an A major or a A7 chord. It’s good to practice each blues scale to it’s corresponding major or dominant chord. For example, if I’m using the A major blues scale and play a C, many times you will hear me resolve it to C# or to B which in most cases are more pleasing notes to the ear. This is a great note because there’s tension to it but tension sounds best when you hear it resolve. Many student who are new to improvising will land on the b3 and just sit on it without resolving it. Major scales have a pattern of two tones and a semitone at both ends. Worksheet 11 A flat major scale Worksheet 12 A harmonic minor scale. Major and Minor Scales Created Date: 12:55:42. Major and Minor Scales 1 4 3 1 C Major Piano 1 1 5 3 1 3 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 G Major 1 3 5 4 3 4 1 3 3. These are also great if you’re trying to learn piano on or a similar site. I teach piano in my spare time, and I find it quite irksome that there aren’t any nicely-engraved free scores for download online for basic exercises such as major and minor (both harmonic and melodic) scales. When I teach my students to use the major blues scales, I teach them to try to move off the b3 note quickly when playing. The F Major blues scale starts on F and it’s home base root note is F.

12 major scales piano pdf

For example, the F major blues scale is the same as the D blues scale (some people call this the minor blues scale) but the D blues scale starts on D and it’s home base root note is D. If you take a look at the sheet you might notice that the scales are the same as the scales on my free but that they start on a different note. It’s just a sheet with all the 12 Major Blues Scales on it. Here’s a free sheet I give to all my students after they learn their major scales.

12 major scales piano pdf